Back in the day, there was no question of Trick or Treat: Pass Out Candy or Not? Regardless of the calendar day that Halloween fell on in a particular year – it was time to get a child’s favorite: candy!
Trick or Treat: Pass Out Candy or Not?
Nowadays, it’s a new world fraught with obstacles that I’m sure were not prevalent back then. I can’t say I didn’t notice the downward trend of not visiting house by house. Or hitting an apartment complex which were caches of candy waiting to be raided! My eyebrow raised when I noticed that malls would host trick-or-treat events so parents wouldn’t be worried about creepers, sociopaths, and psychopaths harming your small children.

Then the recent events of the Las Vegas shooting further distanced any attempts to connect with strangers.
Sadness eclipsed my heart knowing that the only trick-or-treating will be done during the day, or highly public places like businesses or malls – if at all.
While my work schedule hasn’t been posted for the week of Halloween yet, I’m hopeful I have the day off. Or I’m done early enough in the night that there will be trick-or-treaters. Last year, my sister did the job of Trick or Treat: Pass Out Candy (or Not?)
Once I arrived home on that Monday, I relieved her by answering the door. I may have gifted candy to 4 or 5 kids, but that was it. Much to my disappointment.
Then again, I didn’t decorate my house, I’m at the end of cul-de-sac and definitely off the main street of Lundeen Parkway. I resolved to fix that next year which is now only days away. And I’ve not changed my ways but still wanna Trick or Treat: Pass Out Candy (or Not?)
So, Seattle and Spaceship Earth, I’ve gotta ask – are you gonna keep your kids home so you can pass out candy or not? Or will you brave the streets with your little one(s) in this crazy world that was beautiful at one point?
I would love to know by your comments below. Until next time, be good like you should and if you can’t be good, be good at what you do!
Mic drop *bOoM*
‘los; out